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Game-based Simulator
for Lifesaving Skills and Tactical Medicine Training

Train skills that save lives

The world's first mobile gaming app to improve your tactical medicine and lifesaving skills. Download and train with LifesaverSIM anytime, anywhere.

Game-based TCCC simulator

The first training module in LifesaverSIM features game-based simulation scenarios, tailored to enhance the existing training curriculum within Ukraine Defence Forces. It targets all service members as well as military reservists.

  • Regular content updates

  • Different difficulty levels

  • Performance analytics and Insights

  • Account progression

Crafted by Ukrainians

LifesaverSIM is developed by a team of Ukrainian video game creators, tactical medicine instructors, and combat medics from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Our mission is to minimize life losses and severe injuries among our defenders and civilians.

Your donation will help save lives of our defenders and civilians.


Train for Free with Diia

Smooth verification with Diia provides all Ukrainian citizens with free access to the advanced features of LifesaverSIM, regardless of their geographical location.


Please check your device's memory usage and internet connection. If the issue persists, contact support at support@lifesaversim.com. With your inquiry, please provide detailed information about your problem and device (brand, model, and operating system version).

The LifesaverSIM application will be beneficial to anyone regardless of their level of training. Everyone will be able to practice what they need in the simulator: some may be learning the basic steps of the MARCH algorithm, while others may be reinforcing and practicing previously acquired knowledge. Only regular training supports your knowledge at the appropriate level and develops automatic skills.

No application can replace working with a qualified instructor. The best approach would be to receive practical instruction or training from an expert to experience the manipulations firsthand. Then, one can practice the sequence of actions for providing assistance according to the MARCH protocol in a simulator, thereby developing cognitive skills.

LifesaverSIM has launched its first course TCCC ASM, designed for all service members. The course is created in collaboration with expert instructors and combat medics and is aligned with TCCC guidelines and STANAG NATO AMedP-8.15. It covers all key aspects of providing care on the battlefield.

Upon the first launch of the application, you will need to log in, thus requiring an internet connection. Furthermore, an internet connection is not required to use the application. You can use it in offline mode.

You can sync your progress across multiple devices using the same login account. Please note that a stable internet connection is required to save your training progress correctly.

LifesaverSIM is a mobile application and does not support usage on PCs. Our team does not guarantee app stability if it is used through mobile platform emulators. The support service will not process requests related to issues with the application in such cases.

This issue is related to your selected region. To gain access, please fill out the application form. Upon successfully processing your request, you will be granted access to download the LifesaverSIM application.

Download for free